How a Tribe Makes its 75% Alcohol Medicinal Cures - Drink China (E3)

  • 3 years ago
We usually think that drinking alcohol is bad for our health. But a sip or two could actually be good for you, according to traditional Chinese medicine experts. In this episode of Drink China, we find out what is medicinal wine, how it's made, and why this traditional way of treating ailments is becoming trendy again among young people in China.

This is the third episode of our Drink China series. If you liked this video, check out some other episodes:

Baijiu: China’s Most Feared and Loved Drink with a 5,000 Year Old History - Drink China (E2)

This 300 Year-old Rice Wine Brewery Makes 2 Million Bottles a Day - Drink China (E1)

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Producer: Jessica Novia
Field Producer: Xin Fang
Videographer: Guo Yong
Editor: César del Giudice
Animation: Stella Yoo
Mastering: Victor Peña

Music: Audio Network
